Company name | KROONPAK |
Address | Tähe 133 |
Country | EST |
General phone | +372 54540602 | | |
Web page | |
Stand no. | F-5 |
Trademarks | KROONPAK |
Category: |
37. Disposable table setting 50. Packaging materials, packaging |
Kroonpak on tuntud trükikoja Kroonpress pakenditootmisega tegelev üksus. Pakume laia valikut keskkonnasõbralikke eritellimus- ja standardlahendusi. Ainsa Eesti pakenditootjana valmistame nelja erinevat tüüpi pakendeid: kartongist karbid ja ümbrised, papptopsid ja kausid, paberkotid ja pakkepaberid ning kleebised ja muud väiketrükised. Aitame kliente plastikasutuse vähendamises ja pakume abi tootedisainis. Ettevõte omab lisaks toiduohutuse FSSC 22000-le ka jätkusuutliku metsamajandamise ning keskkonnajuhtimise sertifikaate.
Kroonpak is the packaging production unit of the renowned printing house, Kroonpress. We provide a wide range of environmentally friendly custom-made and standard packaging solutions. As the only packaging manufacturer in Estonia capable of producing four different types of packaging, we offer carton boxes and sleeves, paper cups and buckets, paper bags and wrapping papers, as well as labels, stickers, and other small print products. We assist our clients in reducing plastic usage and offer support with product design. The company holds certifications in FSSC 22000 food safety, sustainable forest management, and environmental management.